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Resources / Ellipticals



  • Check its operation.
  • Check that the machine is level with the ground.
  • Make sure that both the surface and the underside of the machine are clean.
  • Use a soft nylon bristle brush to clean the grooves in the pedals.
  • Clean the console with a damp cloth and dry it completely.



  • Inspect visible welds, structure, and cable connections.
  • Inspect and lubricate the lift motor screw if necessary.
  • Remove the back covers and vacuum around the electronic board.
  • Clean drive belts and pulleys.
  • Check that the wheels run smoothly down the ramp.
  • Clean ramps and wheels with an approved solution.
  • Inspect the power cord and make sure it is in good condition.


Quarterly basis: *

  • Check torque setting on bearing housings and connecting rod arm.
  • Inspect for tension or excessive wear in the straps.
  • Lubricate the lift motor screw with synthetic grease.


Semi-annually: **

  • Check battery voltage.
  • Perform software diagnosis, check LED function and record odometer reading.
  • Perform a full functional check of all programs and settings.
  • Visually inspect elevator and drive belts for damage, cracks, or excessive wear.
  • Check the function of the speed sensor.
  • Visually inspect all cables and connectors
  • Perform heart rate functionality tests.


*Complete all monthly inspections plus the following.

**Complete all monthly and quarterly inspections plus the ones below.